Erdem Ungur

Former member 2018 2020

Erdem Ungur is an architect from Turkey. He graduated from Istanbul Technical University in 2008 and holds a PhD in architectural design from the same university. Currently, he is working at Université Libre de Bruxelles with ULB’s solidarity fellowship as a post-doc researcher.

He worked as a research assistant at Istanbul Kultur University Faculty of Architecture between 2008-2017 and as a part-time lecturer at Istanbul Okan University in 2017-2018. He is a member of the Turkish NGO Architecture for All (Herkes Icin Mimarlik).

As a postdoc researcher he is currently working on the projects "A Neglected Ideological Route: D-100 Highway as a Spatial Reproducer of Turkish Nationalist Martyrdom" and "Monument Wars in New Turkey: An Analysis of De/Construction of Monuments in Turkey after 2016 Coup d'État Attempt" at LoUIsE.
